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Brand: ইসলামিয়া কুতুবখানা


395 Tk/Piece 310 Tk/Piece
Stock Quantity: {{bs_item.stock_quantity}}


Apply on chest, throat and back for relief from 6 cold symptoms: Breathing difficulty, body ache, cough, blocked nose, headache and muscular stiffness. Start feeling relief in 5 minutes from cough, blocked nose and breathing difficulty. Steam Inhalation: Add 1-2 teaspoons to bowl of hot water (not boiling). Cover head with towel. Lean over bowl to form tent. Gently inhale for 10-15 mins. Repeat up to 3 times per day.

Important information

Safety Information:


Caution: Use as directed. For external use only. Don’t take by mouth or place in nostrils. Keep out of reach of children. Consult a doctor if illness persists for over a week, or if used by children less than 2 years or if pregnant /breastfeeding. Don’t use on broken / damaged / bandaged skin. For Steam Inhalation – Don’t add Vaporub into boiling water. Don’t heat or reheat (using stove /microwave) vaporub together with water. Steam inhalation is suitable for use on adults and children more than 6 years. Closely supervise children to avoid scalding. Use care when using with hot wate